Dear Purchase manager
We are China National building material (CNBM) Group, a state-owed and 1/TOP 500 companies in the world, specialized in building material industry and automotive service equipments. The We provide the main products as following:
☆Spray booth
☆Car/SUV/Truck lift (two post lift, four post lift, scissor lift)
☆Repair car tools
☆Wheel balancer
☆Tire changer
☆Car test equipment
☆Auto body collision repair equipment
☆Automotive clean machine
We have cooperation with regular market of Europe, Middle East, South America, Russia and Africa and so on. Welcome your inquiry with required specifications. We will make prompt offer for your reference.
Thanks and Regards
Fiona Xu
Tel.: 86-10-68796370 Mon-Sun 8:30am to 5:30pm (China Time)
Fax: 86-10-68796668

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